Create November 2016: NaJoPoMo Rides Again!

2 Conversations

It's that time of year again.

NaJoPoMo Rides Again! 2016

NaJoPoMo 2016

2016 is going to be a banner year for h2g2's journal writers. We can feel it.

In case you're new to this game, here's the story: back in 2011, Create got us all started in the endurance-writing business. Yes, there's something called NaNoWriMo, which stands for 'National Novel Writing Month'. But we didn't want to write novels, so h2g2 does journals. Hence NaJoPoMo. 'What's the 'Na' stand for?' you shout. 'What Nation are we?' Shut up in the back. We're h2g2 Nation, of course: renowned in the galaxy for our creativity, weirdness, and dedication to the proposition that if we write it, somebody will read it and make another bad pun.

So here it is again, five years later. You know the drill – sign up below, and write a journal entry on something every day from 1 to 30 November. Don't put the entries in your journal one by one, unless you want your friends to run away and hide. (It busies up their convo lists.) Instead, post an A-space-type link in the thread below. Your friends will subscribe. Add a daily entry, and bob's yer uncle. If you want to get fancy, make your daily journal entries in the form of fresh A-spaces and add the links to your original page.

If we've just confused you, contact the h2g2 Post for help, or query one of the NaJo stalwarts like 2legs. (Then if it all goes terribly wrong, you can blame him.)

What to write about? Anything you like. Past NaJoers have described journeys, shared recipes, told their innermost thoughts (well, maybe), and produced flights of fancy. Our fancy flies pretty far around here, so take it where it goes. (Just stick to the House Rules.) There are no prizes, just the satisfaction of the thing itself.

Happy writing, happy reading!

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