The Post Quiz: Tea
Created | Updated Nov 1, 2015
This quiz was inspired by Galaxy Babe, who said her father thought Chinese tea was a drug…
The Post Quiz: Tea

Note: This quiz is based on research, because your Editor was born in a place so benighted that it thought iced tea was a Thing.
Short answers. Quick, before your tea gets cold.
- According to archaeologists, how far back do tea canisters go?
- If you study the Ch'a Ching, are you a martial artist?
- In 1606 the Dutch first imported some tea. What island did it come from?
- What did Mercurius Politicus do in 1658 that changed the London scene?
- What was Catherine of Braganza's main vice?
- We know what the tea tax did to relations with the Colonies. But what unintended consequence did it have in the UK in the 18th Century?
- What did William Pitt the Younger do that made him wildly unpopular with gangsters?
- Why were tea races so popular in the 1860s?
- What did the British government do about tea during the two world wars?
- What did an American accidentally invent in 1908?
Did you know all that? Take a bite of your biscuit, and click on the teapot for the answers.