Home, and Far from Home, and the View from Home, and It's Where the Heart Is… Home is where the heart is…so, of course, h2g2 is your home, right? Our hearts are certainly in the right place this week. Cactuscafe's been away, but we've got her back, now that she's moved house. Our artistic friend has been gracious enough to share the experience with us in pictures. You'll enjoy them. We suspect this new horizon bodes well.
Speaking of home, and homely things…Prof Animal Chaos thinks you ought to learn his language. Well, he isn't going to learn yours. He's ineducable. We think you'll get a kick out of this Yorkshire language lesson. And if you're inspired to retaliate with some regional knowledge of your own, you know where our transom is. Your Editor can manage a few weird versions of US English, and in German sounds like someone from Siegen with a speech defect (according to a professor). But we're always willing to learn. Can anybody do Liverpudlian?
Ben's at home…at least, we hope he is. He's got a tale to tell of parasomnia, and frankly, we're now worried about where he's going to find a camel in his neighbourhood…
Awix should be safe enough. He's in the dark, as usual. But he doesn't leave us there. In fact, he's enlightening us about a very intellectual subject: the latest Planet of the Apes movie. Ah, how time flies. When Awix started these columns, it was the Tim Burton reboot. Now, he's up to 350, and the apes are still at it. They've come along way, those guys, from when my college friend kept me in thrall – literally, he wouldn't let me leave – while he told me the plot of all of the original films...and then there was the French novel. The Apes are truly fascinating in French, but then, everything is...Planete des Singes, it's called...
Willem's home is so exotic, he doesn't need to go far to see interesting things. We're just grateful he shares. He says he'll get us some garden photos soon, but it's been chilly down there lately. It was chilly here in North Carolina, too…since the last rainstorm, the high's been a frigid 29 degrees Celsius.
If you'll notice, our cartoon friends are busy invading other people's homes, which to them are exotic places. There are some Nepalese musicians who ought to be arrested, too, and we quiz you on capitals. All of that nosiness is in aid of getting you to remember that July's Create Challenge involves travel. So whether you're travelling to a new home, or just rubbernecking around the planet, or above it, we'd really like to hear from you.
Enjoy your week, and stay warm/cool/dry with the beverage of your choice.
Dmitri Gheorgheni