Natural Wonders No, that flower isn't blooming in space. Not quite yet. But it will. NASA has a plan to improve our view of the outside world, and it includes Starshade. This is only one of the many wonders you'll read about in this week's issue of the h2g2 Post, fueled by our curiosity about the universe around us. Willem will show you creatures and plants you may not have known existed. MMF will share his first-hand knowledge of the Great Storm of 1978. We'll test you about the solar system, and show you how to search for Enlightenment, using only your camera.
Speaking of cameras…the weather is finally improving, and you'll be venturing out, you people. Most of you have mobiles, we suspect. Now, if you see anything interesting – and that especially includes weather phenomena, such as hordes of people with umbrellas, stuff blowing artistically in the wind, a cloud that looks just like Pastey, you know, the usual Stuff – we want you to point and click. Send it to us, along with your username and number, and a short note on what we're looking at. Let us all take a peek, please. We're begging you.
This week, Awix and benjaminpmoore examine another kind of wonder: human behaviour. Awix has found an intriguing new film about – surprise! – people rather than CGI, and Ben's visiting a friend. You'll want to take a look.
We've got lots to interest you here. We hope also to inspire you. Remember to be working on your contribution to the April Create challenge. Enjoy your week: we hope the weather treats you well.
Dmitri Gheorgheni