Star Trek Trivia for Advanced Trekkers: Answers

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Star Trek Trivia for Advanced Trekkers: Answers

We're not sure Gene Roddenberry could have passed this exam. How did you do?

A Star Trek phaser in action. By Community Artist Menthol Penguin.

  1. What was Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's middle name?
    • Wesley.

    Yes, acting-Ensign Crusher really was named after him.
  2. James T. Kirk loved the ladies, but he was married only once. Name her.
    • Miramanee.

    We hope you didn't answer Kirk's mother Winona or sister-in-law Aurelan! Dr Marcus was the mother of Kirk's son David but the couple didn't get married. Kirk lost his memory and married Miramanee when her people adopted him as a god. He spent a few happy months with her oblivious to his previous life, and she had just presented him with a papoose carrier when she was stoned to death by Kirk's side.
  3. What delicious-looking dish was never mentioned in the script but a photo of it adorns the Replimat on Deep Space 9?
    • Klingon skull stew.

    The skulls of their enemies, of course, not Klingon skulls.
  4. When Q transformed the Next Generation crew into Robin Hood characters, who played the part of Maid Marion?
    • Vash.

    Vash was Picard's one-time squeeze who brightened up his 'boring' holiday on pleasure planet Risa. Duplicitous Vash played the medieval heroine Maid Marion with gusto, earning the admiration of Q's Lord High Sheriff of Nottingham, who whisked her away on a trip around the galaxy when things returned to normal for Picard et al. This episode is memorable for Worf's 'Will Scarlet' outfit and his protestation: I am not a Merry Man!
  5. Who was Tuvix?
    • Transporter-merged sentient being composed of Tuvok, Neelix and a flower.

    It was an alien orchid which melded Tuvok and Neelix in the transporter, creating one individual, 'Tuvix', who retained the memories of both individuals. Tuvix gradually integrated himself into daily life on Voyager, developed his own personality and displayed better skills at Tuvok and Neelix's jobs. When the EMH discovered a way to reverse the joining process and restore Tuvok and Neelix, Tuvix pleaded for his own life – leaving Captain Janeway with a moral dilemma.
  6. Who did Data play poker with on the holodeck?
    • Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Isaac Newton.

    Professor Stephen Hawking played himself, of course. The others were unavailable so were played by look-alikes.
  7. How many hosts (featuring in episodes) did the Dax symbiont have?
    • 12.

    Close but no cigar for answering 9 official hosts: Lela, Tobin, Emony, Audrid, Torias, Joran, Curzon, Jadzia and Ezri. A full point for answering 12, which includes those 9 plus Jadzia Dax (mirror), who in the Alternate Universe wore skimpy clothing and was both Benjamin Sisko's and Julian Bashir's lover; the thief Verad who stole the Dax symbiont from Jadzia, becoming Verad Dax for a few hours; and Yedrin Dax, a host in an alternate reality who got to meet Dax's former (and current, thanks to the time-loop) host Jadzia in the flesh, and great-grandad Worf. All hosts prior to Jadzia appear in the DS9 episode 'Facets' when Jadzia uttered the truly memorable line: If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours to the senior staff.
  8. What was the title of the book given to Beverly Howard by Jack Crusher when he proposed to her?
    • How to Advance your Career through Marriage.

    It was a joke book, honest.
  9. Whose idea of foreplay is stroking each other's fingers?
    • Romulans.

    Romulans don't kiss, apparently. In TOS episode 'The Enterprise Incident' the unnamed Romulan female commander and Spock performed some very sensual finger-stroking. Spock commented that he had never been so moved, and millions of Trekkers since have swooned over actor Leonard Nimoy's beautiful hands. For once Kirk didn't pull, but he did get to try out pointed ears and slanted eyebrows when disguised as a Romulan.
  10. Alexander Rozhenko is:
    • One quarter human, three quarters Klingon.

    The son of Worf (full blood Klingon) and Federation Ambassador K'Ehleyr (half-human, half-Klingon) faced a lot of challenges growing up. Bereaved of his loving mother, abandoned by his father, rejected by his elderly human grandparents, small wonder he grew up with an attitude the size of a dwarf planet. At least while young he did display some human traits such as stealing and lying, but the older, future version 'K'mtar' who travelled back in time in an attempt to kill his younger self was Klingon to his very bones.

If you did well at least, preen. Preen all over the galaxy. (The Editor only got 7 right, and will probably be stuck in Engineering forever.) Share your knowledge with your Trekkers friends. Live long and prosper!

The book cover of Star Trek - The Motion Picture by Gene Roddenberry, 1979
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