The AWW Poets' Olympic Haiku Challenge II: More Medallists

1 Conversation

The geniuses over at the Alternative Writing Workshop have done it again – come up with the perfect Olympic challenge.

We give it a 10.

Here are more medallists from the haiku challenge. Keep 'em coming at the bottom of this page – more sports to cover!

The Olympic torch by Bogie

The AWW Poets' Olympic Haiku Challenge II


The aim is to collect as many haikus about sport as possible. If you've forgotten, a haiku is a three-line poem of Japanese origin. The first line has five syllables, the second seven and the third five. Each haiku should describe a sport of your choice, and it would be wonderful if we could cover all the Olympic sports between us. – Minorvogonpoet

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space

smiley - racket1smiley - racket1smiley - racket1

smiley - racket2smiley - racket2smiley - racket2



Helmet clad youngsters
Hard eye their opponent, then
Jab, jab, hook, count, bell.


Tall stiff fast bird steps
Elbows out like pistons move
hips like ship sides roll


Big stone with handle
Sent skimming over the ice
brush, brush, brush, slide, stop


Talcum on hand palms
Bend and grip steel, pause, set mind
Push up to the sky

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space



smiley - angelsmiley - puffsmiley - towel
smiley - racket1smiley - runsmiley - racket2
smiley - drumrollsmiley - applausesmiley - hug

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space

Dmitri Gheorgheni


One man is on top.
There is straining and grunting.
Who is on top now?
Poems by Various Contributors



Dmitri Gheorgheni


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