Threading Through Peer Review: The Test Entry

1 Conversation

I often have tedious discussions with the other Guide Editors. You know, the ones who are actually concerned with The Guide, rather than frivolous stuff like the Post.

Our discussion often goes like this:

Me: 'I like writing guide entries, but frankly, PR gives me a pain where aspirin won't help.'

Gnomon, Lanzababy, and/or Icy North: 'Howso? Our PR reviewers are top-of-the-line. Their comments are insightful – unlike all that drivel you publish. What is your problem?'

Me: 'If you don't know, I can't tell you.'

Now I can. I can give them this thread to read. – DG

The First Noohootoo Test Entry: A Study in Peer Review

Four men cramped onto one desk

Note: The text of kea's entry read in its entirety:

Please, ignore this. The Gurus are testing something.

Here are excerpts from the 52-post conversation in Peer Review. The full-monty experience can be had here. (All kidding aside, guys, it's brilliant. It almost makes you look forward to Peer Review. Almost.)

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro


A87709693 – test entry

Post: 1

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by kea – Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded blue and white website

Entry: test entry – A87709693

Author: beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep beeb beep – U212656

Please ignore this, I'm testing something for the gurus.




A87709693 – test entry

Post: 2

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by McKay The Disorganised

I think this is a little repetitous to be honest, and R2D2's accent wasn't at all like that.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 3

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by Mr. Dreadful – Mod, ACE, Guru – Participating in NaJoPoMo!

It's too short and as I'm not ignoring it it's not factual either. Plus you use the first person.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 4

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by toybox

I think we've had a few more Test Entries before. Please see if you could not ask the curators to update one of those if you feel they are incomplete.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 5

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by Z / Dr Zen

I think this is an excellent literary entry and must be included in the Guide Immediately.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 6

Posted 3 Weeks Ago by Deep Doo Doo

I quite like this, but it could do with some work.

smiley - biro Your Entry title needs to be capitalised – we refer to Edited Guide Entries as 'Entries' rather than 'entries'. Since this will ultimately make it into the Edited Guide, it would save the Subeditors1 some time if you changed this aspect now.

smiley - biro First person references are a no, no. Perhaps you could look at a way of using 'This Researcher' rather than 'I'm'.

smiley - biro The Gurus are important people. They should be capitalised as well.

smiley - biro I find some of the work a little clunky. It'd be nice to see it a little snappier in places. Maybe rework the opening sentence? I'm thinking along the lines of "Please, ignore this." I think that'll help to draw the readers attention and pique their interest.

smiley - biro So, in summary, I'd suggest this: Please, ignore this. This Researcher is testing something for the Guru's[sic].

Finally, welcome to h2g2 and to Peer Review It's good to see new talent joining us.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 17

Posted 2 Weeks Ago by Nosebagbadger {Ace}

This is a poor entry in my view, I realise that conciseness can be appreciated but it shouldn't be at the loss of relevant detail.

Is there sufficent humour? I'm not certain.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 18

Posted 2 Weeks Ago by Deep Doo Doo

Humour is not a pre-requisite, though, is it? And I'm not convinced we've lost any relevant detail.

This Entry explains fully what it set out to do. We, as readers, are expected to ignore it. Then we are given a full explanation as to why.

It's beautifully-crafted, succint[sic], factual and relevant.

I'd recommend a pick.



A87709693 – test entry

Post: 19

Posted 2 Weeks Ago by kea – Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded blue and white website

Oh for gods sake. This is what is wrong with PR. Someone puts in all this effort and then gets totally undermined by some late comer who thinks they know it all.



The Post General Features Archive

kea – Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded blue and white website

McKay The Disorganised

Mr. Dreadful – Mod, ACE, Guru – Participating in NaJoPoMo!


Z / Dr Zen

Deep Doo Doo

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

21.11.11 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Please note that this Researcher bothered to link to the Subeditors. And to Peer Review. This is breathtaking in its awesomeness.

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