A Conversation for The Seven Deadly Sins of Electronic Toy Design

Very Toy Story 3

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

My local recycling centre has a special container for electronic goods, mostly computer keyboards, radios and the like. The last time I threw something into it, the crash was followed by a little electronic voice from the depths, singing a song. Obviously some toy had provoked a parent just too much.

smiley - brave

Very Toy Story 3

Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I would find that downright spooky!

Very Toy Story 3

Post 3


There is something sad about a discarded toy, isn't there? But they seem to accumulate so many - esp family gifts. So they have to be pruned, else the kids can hardly find the bottom of the toy box...

Ps - lovely picture, Lil, thanks very much!


Very Toy Story 3

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

As I created it, I thought of you stepping on it. smiley - silly

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