The Big Mad Walk

1 Conversation


On 10-11 September, five of us will be undertaking our maddest scheme yet. And there have been one or two of those! Team 8 Legs Good will be doing a bit of a walk. A nice little stroll. For 30 hours. 100 kilometres. 60 miles in the old money. Three counties, two provinces, three mountain ranges1.


Good question. Partly, for fun (?!). Partly because we need our heads examined. But mostly, to raise as much money as we can for Oxfam by taking part in the Trailtrekker event.

Meet the Team

  • Malabarista - Minister for Spider-related Art and Confectionary
  • Trig - Man of Many Backpacks
  • KB - Commissar of Crossing That Bridge When We Come To It
  • Z - Provider of Sharpies To The Masses
  • Beatrice - Bean Counter Extraordinaire, Kit-Kat Boss and Voice of Reason

It's slightly chaotic when you have a team who are spread all over the place, but so far we've managed to get one or two training walks in. Beatrice, having more sense than the rest of us, has decided she'll be our driver for the weekend - meeting us at checkpoints, providing kit-kats and water, and allowing us to dump stuff in her car. The kit-kats are the vital bit!

The car also came in useful for the car boot sale in Dundrum. Despite our early start, we ended up sitting in the car in a queue for an hour. Buns and cakes were the order of the day; in a flash of inspiration the day before, Mala had invented the Spidermallow - chocolate-dipped marshmallows with eight legs made of All Bran.

Once word got around, Spidermallows started to sell like hot cakes! The persistent drizzle didn't help the cupcake sales - we ended up taking a lot of sad, soggy specimens home with us. Bea's fashion stall was a popular hit - there are now quite a few unusually cosmopolitan-looking farmer's wives in the village! All said, we raked in about £70.

The Throwing-Down-The-Gauntlet-Bit

If you'd like to help us in our fundraising efforts, we've got a little challenge for you. Bea has put together a quiz sheet, testing your general knowledge of all things African. It costs £1 to enter, and all correct entries will be entered into a draw for a bottle of whiskey, box of chocolates and a goody bag of other thingies! If you'd like to take part contact Beatrice.

Of course, not everyone likes gambling, and that's cool, too. So luckily we're also accepting straightforward donations – you can do it easy as pie online, over at our fund-raising page (email Beatrice for details) or have a look at KB's journal.

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1Whose idea was this anyway? smiley - wah

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