Spook X
Created | Updated Oct 9, 2002
Spook X |
Well, I don't know about you, but I liked the last issue. I found it very interesting, and it gives me great hope about the future of Spook X. This week, since you liked my internet story from the last issue, I thought I'd continue it more in depth in this one.
The Russian Desire
As I said last week, the Russians used the internet to spy on the Americans, to discover their hidden secrets, and to look at nude girls. This is not entirely correct. The Russian desire of looking at nude girls is much more then it seems. The Russians really have a much bigger desire, which will now be revealed.
In the very beginning, on the Russian internet, before the Americans discovered that the Russians had control of it, they used it to secretly pass information to each other. When the Russians learnt about this, they tried every method they could to find out how the Americans were doing this, but they could not figure it out.
However, there were two Russians who worked for the Communist government who were in part of the internet project. Unfortunately, these two Russians were total porn addicts. At every opportunity they had, they would download nude pictures of girls.
It is very hard to keep something like this from the Russian government who monitor everything. So the two Russians, who were called Boobov and Titov, were eventually discovered and thrown in a military prison.
Once in prison, their commanding officer, General Dickov, ordered their computers to be searched, and all the pictures of nude girls they'd downloaded to be scanned thoroughly.
When this was done, the Russians found hidden messages in the pictures. It was the greatest of discoveries. The Americans had been sending secret messages to each other using pornographic pictures. Once this discovery had been made, Boobov and Titov were released and received medals for downloading the pictures which held secret American messages in.
Now, for those of you who do not understand this, let me explain.
All pictures are made of tiny little things called pixels. Pictures consist of millions upon millions of them. Now, if a small few in a picture are changed, they could form a small message which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Let me show you an example:
This passage is written in two different shades of green. Can you tell the difference by just looking at it? Can you tell when the colour changes? Say you have a nude pictures of a girl, and you change the colour of some of the pixels that make up the skin. Would you be able to notice the slight difference?
The Americans were very smart in their techniques. They used pornographic pictures as it was likely people would too busy looking at the pictures than analysing them. They also made sure they placed the pictures on web sites that contained porn fakes, so that any inaccuracies that could be seen would be discounted as the person viewing the picture would simply think it was just a bad fake.
The reason the Russians realised that the Americans had tricked them and that they no longer controlled the whole net, was not because there Americans weren't putting as much pornography on the Russian site, but because the pornography no longer contained secret messages.
The Russian Desire was not a desire for pornography, but a desire to discover the American secrets that were being passed secretly over the internet. It is still unknown what American secrets the Russians actually discovered.
And if you are wondering what happened to Boobov and Titov, I can safely say that they were executed for looking at immoral pictures of girls 3 months after they were originally thrown in prison.
And Finally...
Next week in Spook X, I will reveal more about the internet, and in particular, some of America's secrets will be revealed. I hope you all enjoyed this edition of Spook X!