A Conversation for The Seven Tenets of Comedy and their Application Today

Generally ...

Post 1


I admire your entry -- I doubt that I myself would care to stick my own neck out on making literary definitions because there are so many blurred edges.

Irony / Satire -- something by no means ephemeral .Where would you place Swift's * Modest Proposal * , a piece of writing that is as relevant as ever in these days of Third World starvation and corporate greed encouraged by govermental desire to boost economies and gross national product ?

*Gross * -- highly applicable .

Then there is an example like the *Oxen of the Sun* chapter in Joyce's *Ulysses * -- in what category would you place it ?

A final comment on the *presentation * of comedy by the actor/comedian. It is a deadly serious business , even to the pratfall , which is why Benny Hill , with his smirks , could never in my canon be a true comedian .

Generally ...

Post 2

Mu Beta

"I admire your entry -- I doubt that I myself would care to stick my own neck out on making literary definitions because there are so many blurred edges."

Thankyou.smiley - ok But bear in mind that a good 50% of writing for the Edited Guide is bluffness, which I have in droves.smiley - winkeye

smiley - popcorn

"Irony / Satire -- something by no means ephemeral."

I tried to make it clear in the entry that irony is very rarely singular, hence the reason I didn't give a host of examples. Irony is very much an inground part of satire, the latter being where I would firmly place much, if not all, of Swift's work.

smiley - popcorn

"Then there is an example like the *Oxen of the Sun* chapter in Joyce's *Ulysses * -- in what category would you place it?"

Haven't read it, which solves most of my problems.smiley - biggrin
As I said when this was in Peer Review, it would be a very boring world if we tried to categorise everything that was vaguely humorous. All I tried to do was give illustrative examples.

smiley - popcorn

"A final comment on the *presentation * of comedy by the actor/comedian. It is a deadly serious business , even to the pratfall , which is why Benny Hill , with his smirks , could never in my canon be a true comedian ."

Not really relevant to the subject matter.smiley - sorry


Generally ...

Post 3


I tossed in that last comment because some comedy is presented in other than written form and the manner maketh the comic.

Slapstick , for example.

I see no reason for your being sorry !!!

Generally ...

Post 4

Mu Beta

It was more of an ellipsis: "Sorry (but I think that's a c**p suggestion)"smiley - winkeye

The entry started out as a fairly sober look at the Roman treatment of comedy, but halfway through, I realised it'd be much more fun to chuck in a lot of modern references and lose the Classicism.smiley - smiley

The manner does indeed maketh the comic - I see potential for a Collab entry there, actually.


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