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Hello and welcome to h2g2. I am Galaxy Babe and I am a Scout; Sub-editor; h2g2 Photographer and an ACE. I've been with h2g2 since 19 May 2000 so if I can't help you, I'll know someone who can!smiley - biggrin

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smiley - bubblyResearchers' Birthday Pagesmiley - bubbly

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smiley - starThe H2G2 Astronomy Societysmiley - planet

Guide ML-Clinic If you can't be bothered to learn Guide ML: GuideDog for OpenOffice

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If you happen to meet the love of your life here, please do let me knowsmiley - winkeye

These lovely people are all toasty and cuddly and loved-up:
smiley - loveblushh2g2 Romancessmiley - cupid

Some of them have even had babies!smiley - yikes

So thank you, Douglas Adams

This is for help with personal problems: Auntie Beeb

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smiley - peacedoveIn Memory of...smiley - rose and you can post thoughts and prayers here: Lighting a candle for

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For Christmas decoration: Merry Christmas

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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