A Conversation for Yoko Kanno


Post 1

Mad Duck

As you seem such a knowledgeable chap. just thought I would enquire wether or not u know who writes the music at the beginning of all manga vids. U know the toe tapping, heavy bit beat bit, overplaying shed loads of clips.


Post 2


Hi Mad Duck...

Although I'm not an enormous fan of Manga Video, I do indeed know the tune. It's done by a quite well-known thrash/death-metal group, if I remember correctly, but I can't recall who off the top of my head. I will ask around - I'm sure one of my fellow Anime-watching cohorts will know... I'll let you know as and when I find out more - watch this space!

Cheers then,

Phil (alias Aquamarine).


Post 3

Mad Duck

Thank M8.

It is such a cool bit of muzac that I could almost watch a vid just for those soulful (?) tunes. Almost smiley - smiley)


Post 4

Colon Data

And nothing to do with sex and violence. Yeh yeh!


Post 5


OK, well I've done a bit of digging, and somebody thought it might be Pantera, but again a couple of others thought it wasn't. I'll keep looking...

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