The Timelord Quiz - Films 2 - The Solution

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Last week TIMELORD set you a film quiz.

The winners were Polidari Wormwood, Pastey and Madent who all scored an impressive 10/10.
Scattergun received a rather good 9 1/2 out of ten, only losing half a point for giving just one film as the answer of question 10 (two were needed). Kandyman got a valiant 3 1/2 right, the 1/2 point for the same reason as Scattergun in question 10.

  1. Q: Which film is set around the town of Rock Ridge?
    A: Blazing Saddles

  2. Q: In the film Genevieve between which two places did they race?
    A: Brighton to London (They raced back after the London to Brighton rally)

  3. Q: Who worked for Consolidated Life at desk number 861?
    A: C.C. Baxter (as played by Jack Lemmon in The Apartment)

  4. Q: In which film was Mortimer Brewster the main character?
    A: Arsenic and Old Lace

  5. Q: Which film saw a Snowman bootlegging beer?
    A: Smokey and the Bandit

  6. Q: Which film tells the story of a flight from London to Paris that took 25 hours and 11 minutes?
    A: Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines

  7. Q: Who played the part of Flash Harry in The Belles of St Trinians?
    A: George Cole

  8. Q: Which film saw the boxer Henry Cooper guest as the ex-heavy weight champion of all England?
    A: Royal Flash

  9. Q: Who played the parts of Lurk and Lurkalot?
    A: Frankie Howerd

  10. Q: Which films were set on the island of Todday?
    A: Whisky Galore and Rockets Galore


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