A Conversation for Porth Trecastell, Anglesey, Wales, UK

Public Transport?

Post 1

Candi - now 42!

Sounds wonderful...but how does one get there without a car?

Public Transport?

Post 2


Getting there without a car. hmmm. Not thought about that one.
The nearest towns/villages are Rhosniger and Aberffraw both a couple of miles from the beach. From Rhosniger you caould walk along the coast (I think there is a coastal path on Anglesey).
The nearest train station is Rhosniger and I think you can get a bus from there that goes past the beach (from a quick search a number 25 might do it - Holyhead to Aberffraw).
Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you candi.

Public Transport?

Post 3

Candi - now 42!

That's okay - thanks for the info smiley - smiley don't know if or when I'll get there but at least I know it's do-able now! smiley - cheers

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