Snerggling With Grandad

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smiley - peacesign

Snerggling With Grandad

We used to go a snerggling from October through till May

We always went with Grandad and he'd braffle all the way

Grandma stayed at home and made us quargles for our tea

With honey for my uncle Sid and chocolate sauce for me

She'd give us lumps of gristerman to suck along the way

And if you took it steady they would last you all the day

We'd head off down the Frakken Road and out across The Snicket

You'd never go by bus 'cos it was six quid for a ticket

It took about an hour to get to Thrapplington on foot

Along the Fnack to Thritton line and down through Furkketts' Cut

Cousin Ed would join us somewhere down by Friggots' Mill

Along with auntie Edie, uncle Frank and Bob and Bill


Frank and Bob were butchers, and Bill worked down the pit

Edie was a singer, and Ed was just a twit

Uncle Frank once told me that when Ed was just a kid,

Edie dropped him on his head and so did uncle Sid

By half past ten we'd made it all the way to Sprekkle Moor

And if the Snerggling was good we'd stay till half past four

Bob would beat the flarkle, while Bill would fetch the hook

Grandad braffled froopily and Edie read her book

Uncle Tom would come along and try to keep the score

While me and Frank and Bob and Bill would snerggle all the moor

The local blerks were always there to snickle with me Dad

Of snerggling tales and jugs of ale and how many they'd had

The littluns up from Sprekkle played with kites and coal and string

And Granddad made them braffle 'cos you weren't supposed to sing


Gristling in the flanges makes you sick from head to toe

So when you hear the stickalloo you know it's time to go

We'd pack the floople bugs in mud and stuff them into bags

But not before we'd wrapped them up in gloopy grease and rags

Then off we'd go along the road that led to Friggots' Mill

Along with auntie Edie, uncle Frank and Bob and Bill

Cousin Ed by this time would be dribbling like a good'un

We'd sneak right up behind him and galloof all of a sudden

One time Frank and Bob went missing somewhere in the Flitch

But they'd only gone t' pub, we found them later in the ditch

Then back at home the quargles would be served up on a plate

The chocolate sauce was cold cos we were all two hours late

Then quickly off to bed for such a scrimbly little lad

And so would end another day of snerggling with Grandad

smiley - blackcat

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