A Conversation for Rockall

great entry on Rockall!

Post 1


I first learned of Rockall when looking at an old dictionary of my mother's; its map of the UK shows a speck entitled "Rockall" and no other information so I had to find out what it was all about. I didn't realise prior to that chance encounter that anything was out there west of St. Kilda so your entry was very helpful!

great entry on Rockall!

Post 2


I had exactly the same revelation a few years ago! "What do you mean there's an island out there - your kidding me!" were my exact words I think! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

great entry on Rockall!

Post 3


Anything west of St. Kilda? Rock all mate!!

Apparently to show those pesky Russians, Danes and Icelandic folks the rock was a part of the UK, a sentry box and guard (complete with dress uniform and bearskin hat) was flown out for a photoshoot. (The island is of great strategic importance for keeping an eye on the old Americans just across the pond, and has vast natural resources of fish and bird poop).

The definition of an island, which makes it differ from a rock, is that it must be inhabited or have enough pasture to support one grazing goat for an entire year. As Rockall is distinctly lacking in grass, it took one crazy special forces guy living in a plastic pod several weeks to earn its island status.

great entry on Rockall!

Post 4


Yes, if you take a look around the Rockall Times you will find that famous picture - it's right out of Monty Python! smiley - biggrin

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