Wargamer's Quarters.

2 Conversations

The area is comprised of two sections, the first is an office, and the second is a small, private badroom.

The Office

The Office is simple yet effective. On the left is a large stained glass window, depicting a man fighting an enormous, silvery-blue dragon. On either side of the window are cabinets, containing all the information of the knights in the Men's Dormitory. On the right wall there is a fireplace with a white shield hanging above it. The shield is quartered. The top left and bottom right sections are gold, the other two white. The words "To Nuln We Pledge Our Swords." are written upon it. A large mahogany desk takes up the centre of the room.

The Bedroom

The Room contains a simple, plain bed next to the far wall. A small wardrobe is at the bottom of the bed. There is a window in the left wall with a writing desk beneath it. On the right wall there is another fireplace, with a sword-and-shield holder above it. It is empty. To the right of this is an armour rack for a breastplate, also empty.

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