A Conversation for Mouth-watering Chocolate Brownies
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Robert Started conversation May 20, 2002
ENTRY LINKS (subed use only): U182827A742682
I'm your subeditor for this entry. I'll be reading it and checking it against the guidelines in the Subeditor help documents. I will also add/remove/change GuideML as necessary. If you have any questions, you should post them here.
This process typically takes about a week.
Cheers ,
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Robert Posted May 21, 2002
I've finished editing the article and am submitting it now. It should become a part of the Edited Guide in about a week.
Congratulations ,
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Robert Posted May 23, 2002
Article successfully submitted 23-5-02 at 14:03
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
26199 Posted Jun 14, 2002
14:03, you say?
Phew, that was a close one... I was hoping it would be before 14:04.
Nice entry - if I wasn't so utterly inept at cooking, I'd try it
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 14, 2002
Wooheoo! Thanks Robert and 26199!
Actually, the only difficult thing about this is lining the tin. The rest is dead easy.
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Robert Posted Jun 14, 2002
I haven't tried it: the last time I tried to cook something *other* than pizza, large clouds of black stuff came out of it...
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Smiffy the Lab Assistant (1+9)*5-(5+4)+1=42 Posted Jun 14, 2002
If you dab the bottom and sides of the tin with butter before you try to line it the greaseproof sticks in the tin better... I know the concept is stupid but it works!
Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 16, 2002
I do that, but only where I'm lining the sides of the tin as well. If I'm just lining the bottom, generally I feel you don't need it.
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Subediting Notes for "Mouth-watering chocolate brownies" (A742682)
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