A Conversation for Great Shopping Centres and Malls

eldon square, newcastle

Post 1


a late 70s/early 80s monstrosity (which unfortunately involved knocking down most of a beautiful georgian square - the original eldon square), it also includes the green market (though apparently this is going to disappear soon) and the slightly newer eldon gardens. it's got all the usual culprits, with the added bonus of a huge fenwick's (a true department store) and the dubious honour of having the largest marks & spencer food dept in the country (apparently). it's not that different from yer average shopping centre - apart from the flying saucer! (a restaurant in the shape of a flying saucer, suspended above the teeming masses, so you can sip your cuppa and watch the hordes flock past below you). being right in the middle of the city centre means that it's easy to get to and easy to get to other shops from ... unlike the metrocentre over the river which is in the middle of a post-industrial wasteland. and it's also nice (and rare) to be able to see outside occasionally (e.g. when walking over the bridge).

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eldon square, newcastle

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