A Conversation for Great Shopping Centres and Malls

Royal Priors, Leamington Spa

Post 1

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Royal Priors is modern, and usually quite good. It's pretty much big multiples in the town centre, but there are a few interesting independent retailers, and some local clothes outlets, on the fringes in units with external doors.

However, at the moment it's best avoided - there's a large amount of building work in progress, as the centre is extended at the Waterstones' end towards what they hope will be 'Phase II', rolling right through town and eventually occupying the massive, but currently unoccupied, Regent Hotel. Also, the main part is being renovated and so the layout is temporarily reduced to mayhem, there are workmen everywhere and space is restricted. Not to mention the absence of ceilings and good lighting while they renovate...

Whoami? smiley - cake

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Royal Priors, Leamington Spa

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