A Conversation for Blur - the Band
John Mellencamp????
Number Six Started conversation Dec 5, 2002
Great and comprehensive article on blur, but I have to say the John Mellencamp reference to lo-fi confused me. I admit i've never heard anything by him, but others have used his name as a byword for American Corporate Rock - I think he used to be known as John Cougar Mellencamp.
Surely bands like Sebadoh (particularly singer Lou Barlow) and Pavement are far more associated with lo-fi? The 'blur' album was certainly heavily Pavement-influenced.
All the best,
Number Six
John Mellencamp????
Mu Beta Posted Dec 5, 2002
John Mellencamp, way back when he started singing, was a heavy influence on both Dinosaur Jr. (Lou Barlow's original band) and Pavement. Whether he was a direct influence on Graham Coxon is admittedly debatable. Before he started doing nasty Springsteen-esque stuff, he pioneered the lo-fi sound on albums such as 'Uh-Huh' and 'American Fool'. Not until 'Lonesome Jubilee' did he really cross over into the mainstream.
John Mellencamp????
Number Six Posted Dec 5, 2002
I stand (well, sit) corrected, enlightened and impressed!
John Mellencamp????
Mu Beta Posted Dec 5, 2002
I wasn't necessarily out to impress (it's my job to write about this sort of stuff), but thanks anyway.
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John Mellencamp????
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