D.A. Detective Agency, open for business.
Created | Updated Sep 15, 2002
Got a burning question that you need answered? Got a problem that you can't solve? If so, then you've come to the right place.
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Welcome to the D.A.Detective AgencyHere you will find a sympathetic ear, plenty of hot , and people eager to help. | |
All cases will be considered, Especially those of a supernatural variety. We pledge that we will find a suitable solution to All cases. | |
If you wish to speak to me personally, then take a seat. If you can't wait, then why not speak to Deputy Peanut,, whose abilities are more than exceptional. | |
Alternately, if you wish to join the ranks, why not leave your application here? We'll get back to you. For a and some spooky conversation, why not drop by Dead Man's Inn . For a not-so-restful place to stay, sign up for a room at The Haunted Castle. | |
Deputy Detective RosterPeanut, head deputysixSevens, in his Armani trenchcoatex-Rambling, resident spookJust Me, Ace The Ghost In The FogLanglyCrocodilkaFABTCardinal Noah Comes with Armani Trench Coat, really big spy glass and a Deputy's Badge.We are not responsible for any possessions, Fatalities or additional taxation that may occur during the course of an investigation. A equal opportunity employer. Have a nice day. |