Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot

5 Conversations

Welcome to the Mercenary War Room!

You walk in, finding a large rack of weapons covering three walls, including the one with the door. The other wall contains accessories and a large TV. There is a couch in the center of the room and a few workbenches on the sides, and a workroom sits off to the back. A trapdoor sits beside the couch. A papier-mache statue of a dragon sits off to the side, near another door which seems to lead to a bigger room with a nicer couch, a bigger TV, and a minibar. A sign over the door reads "Mercenary Lounge". Not the type of place you'd expect the galaxy's most awesome fighting force to frequent, huh?

This is not only a base, but also a sort of, well, community outreach. A lot of people have no clue who we are, so I set up this little page to tell them about us.

I believe Njan says it best in the mercenary intro, so I'm just going to copy it because I'm lazy (at least I'm honest, right?):

We are the few.

The elite.

The quick.

The silent.

The deadly.

The cantina's very own special ops mercenary team.

We work for those to whom our allegiances fancy from week to week, wreaking a trail of silent destruction eloquently, disappearing in a flourish of black and a cloud of grey smoke just before anyone seems to find us.

We work for who we want. We work when we want. We work the way we want. We do what we want.

So that's basically the H2G2 mercenaries. We are an elite fighting force who go in silently, leave a very large (or small, if you wish) swath of destruction, possibly procure an item, and get out without being found, caught, or shot.

Mercenary/Mission Information

The Mercenary Roster

Note: All mercenaries have the title "General Operative" in their job description, it's just tedious to write it 8 times

Past Missions:

  • A major general chaos project at the Dragonhouse
  • A prison break involving the Hon. Ex-Rambling
  • A small cat-scent bomb placed in the Doghouse

In Progress: Invasion at the Grotty Bar, in leiu of Health and Safety Inspectors...

Future Missions: none so far, apply below!

We work for anybody, and no mission is too small or too dangerous. So go down to the forum and ask around. The prices can sometimes be steep, but hey, if you need it done...

And if you don't want to do business, feel free to Walk Back to the Lobby

Legal Disclaimer: This is not the "official" base of the H2G2 Mercenaries, and Njan wanted me to make that clear. We are not disclosing the location of our base at this time, because it is a lot more secure.

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