A Conversation for Portland, Oregon, USA
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DGirl Started conversation Sep 21, 2003
Leave the galoshes home, and we don't have a sales tax; so you don't need lots and lots of money - just lots. Oh, and the entry didn't mention that we have the smallest park in the world here. It's very, very small. Come see it!
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Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Posted Feb 19, 2005
I live here also, Yes, Portlanders never wear galoshes,.. Natives are known to have web feet..... Unless maybe they are going to a funereal and will need to walk across the cemetery...Then if they happen to have a pair[that's rare] they will have them in the car....But they do most often have an umbrella at arms reach........... ... ..
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Thaddeus Posted Jun 7, 2019
Old Portland Joke: Q: What is the Oregon state bird? A:The slug.
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