A Conversation for An Introduction to Wine Tasting in Adelaide
The ultimate guide to the South Australian wineries
Researcher 191103 Started conversation Apr 5, 2002
The South Australian tourist bureau has gust released the latest edition of "Adelaide Secrets".
It lists 200 cellar doors around Adelaide along with detailed instructions for travell and accomodation
You can request a copy from http://www.southaustralia.com and selecting the "Wine and Food Secrets" button
The ultimate guide to the South Australian wineries
Researcher 198761 Posted Jul 18, 2002
I am told there is a new Wine Centre about one kilometre from the Adalaide Post Office which offers the chance to tase wines from across the State.
I was born in Adelaide, but moved away in the 1970s so have not been to the new wine centre.
Being a "new" wine growing area by European standards, South Australia AVOIDED the enviornmental problems of traditional overseas wine making areas (such as polluted underground water). Their wine making practices are environmentally sound,underscored by Ramsar - the world main wetland organisation based in Geneva - giving its 2002 award for wetland conservation to Banrock Station wines whose product I bought in UK supermarkets a couple of years ago.
Saw the note about Jacobs Creek. It is just a creek. I have a relation who lives in the Barossa. All her English visitors want to be photographed beside the Jacobs Creek Sign at the narrow bridge. They take their lives in their hands having the photo taken!
The ultimate guide to the South Australian wineries
Phoenician Trader Posted Feb 5, 2003
Two thoughts cross my mind.
1) Maybe I should write a regional tasters' guide - what to expect from each region (I would need some help)
2) By European standards, Australian wine growing areas are really old (at least the vines are). Europe has no vines older than about 60 years (I am told) - they were all wiped out by philoxera. Adelaide has vines well over 120-140 years old as do other Australian regions!
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The ultimate guide to the South Australian wineries
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