A Conversation for An Introduction to Wine Tasting in Adelaide

Of interest

Post 1

Researcher 191103

The National Wine Centre is located within a 10 minute walk of the major city hotels on the corner of North Terrace and Hackney Road

The building was opened November 2001 and will give the traveller a good introduction to the local produce

The Botanic Gardens, The National Rose Centre and the Herbarium are all within 200 metres

wine tasting in Adelaide

Post 2

Researcher Marj

Before they became conscious of drinking and driving in Australia. We and some friends used to go to the Barossa Valley regularly, to try out and buy wines. In those days, you had to buy a dozen, which we would share. The trouble was that after visiting several wineries for a taste, ones palate became confused and our driving equally so. Luckily there were not so many visitors in those days.Therefore not so much traffic. There is one winerery that is not often mentioned and that is 'YALDARA' it always had good reasonably priced wines, and a sort of Chateau, which only groups could go round. It had a river nearby and this was often overflowing after rain, and we could not carry on past, to get to some of the other small wineries. This meant going back to the main road and on to the more famous wineries. Another good Winery is 'Gramps'. Funny thing is we don't drink now but I feel the 3 years we spent with these particular friends, who sadly then returned to live in England, made us very conversant with a good wine. Mainly we drank it on a Saturday night sitting up till 3.0'clock am playing cards and sampling what we had bought. Cheers Bottoms up Marj

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