A Conversation for Monty Python's 'Dead Parrot Sketch'


Post 1

Gaspode the wonder dog

I hope that you are not in any way insulting Monty Python. Monty Python is a classic comedy from which has emerged many other greats, such as the fast show, faulty towers and Harry Enfield. Whilst some pathetic people (YOU) would find Monty Python er..unfunny the rest of the nation waits in suspense as Monty Python spills forth more of those classic comedy sketches.


Post 2

Danny B

smiley - bigeyes

I beg your pardon smiley - huh

Where, exactly, did I say that Python was unfunny? If I didn't think it was funny, I wouldn't have written this article (and the other 16 in the series...)

In fact, I wrote

"Of course, you could argue that the 'Dead Parrot sketch' is successful simply because it was written by two of the finest comedy writers and performed by two of the finest comedy actors ever to grace a television screen."

Does that sound like someone who isn't a Python fan..?

Perhaps you should try reading it again smiley - winkeye

Danny B.


Post 3

Gaspode the wonder dog

soz my friend wrote that...I shall be having words with her...

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