The h2g2 Post 05.07.10

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Posted: 05th July 2010



Summer is here

Well, it is where I live. We've had sunny and dry weather for more than a week now. I probably should mark it on the calendar. However, with temperatures of up to 38°C, I sit mostly in the dark, because it is only bearable when the blinds are closed. Luckily, we have windows on three sides of the flat, so there's always one side where the blinds can be up. And I don't mean to complain, after this long and dreadful winter, I think we deserved to have a real summer. It conjures up memories of long summer evenings, spent in the playground, the meeting point of the village youth were I lived. I don't go out much nowadays, and I didn't go to any 'Public Viewing' as the large screens in various cities where people gather to watch the football World Cup are called here. Those temperatures in combination with large crowds and little in the way of beverage (you aren't allowed to bring your own, but they charge € 3.00 for a small (0.3l) bottle of water or lemonade) would kill me. But then I'm not alone while watching the footie. The German team has lots of support from my h2g2 friends, namely from KB who worked some magic for the last two games. But enough of that. There are a variety of articles in this issue which will distract you from the World Cup, so enjoy them.





































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