A Conversation for The 'Genesis' Creation Account

What a shame

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

It's a pity that such a pathetic piece of prose as this should have ever been allowed into the guide. It claims to present consistent arguments, but is full of contradictions. For example, it says that the Earth was created from nothing in the big bang, and yet the young age of the Earth, even though it appears to be old, can be explained by the fact that the Earth was not created in a big bang but created in its entirety as it is, complete with a history. It would be nice if the author had kept to one theory rather than using multiple conflicting theories to "prove" he is right.

The science presented in the article is also extremely dubious. He says that various things are "against the laws of physics" , yet he doesn't seem to know the laws of physics himself (see his version of the First Law of Thermodynamics, for example), and real scientists say that these things are not against the laws of physics.

WHat I'd like to see is for somebody who actually believes in the Creation story to state exactly what they believe. Do they believe that the universe is expanding? That life since the Creation is evolving? Do they believe that God created the world with built-in evidence of previous evolution?

smiley - smiley

What a shame

Post 2

The Guild of Wizards

It looks like Josh the Genious has devolved! I wonder if he still believes this stuff?

aljismiley - wizard

What a shame

Post 3

The Guild of Wizards

I must learn to spell! Genius!

aljismiley - wizard

What a shame

Post 4


I trust you have all come across the 'Intelligent Falling' debate? 90,000 Google hits can't be wrong ...

Gif smiley - geek

What a shame

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Is that anything to do with the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodly appendage?

What a shame

Post 6


Well ... no-one can prove that they're not connected. Perhaps they provide evidence of a Common Satirist?

Gif smiley - geek

What a shame

Post 7


"A Revelation Of Genesis" The story of the creation of heaven and earth is as connected to the concept of "time" as is the human intelligence to the brain. It starts out with two beginnings. First of quote: In the beginning God created heaven and earth, leaving an obvious unanswerred: When? Secondly it starts with a chronological succession of days, seperated between 7th and 8th day by chapter ending. Now I will list a number of obvious questions that we will attempt to answerr with definite logic, without any whatsoever scholastic endeavour, because the answerrs are not from that source of intelligence. Question:If god created the first day by seperating light from darkness and did not create light sources untill the fourth day, the sun moon and stars, then what light was there in the first day? The reason this so important is that you leave a gaping hole in credibility, trying to teach creationism! And this is such a simple question! And this is also the point where I asked God at a time when I felt His sweet Presence surrounding better yet engulving me! Lord I said If this is your guidebook for me to live by; then give me the understanding so it becomes open to me. Unlock this book Lord. two words formed in my mind.: my first name Gerry and the word Read.Then while reading He gave me a visual picture as I went chapter after chapter untill I came to the repopulation of the world after the great flood. He made me aware that the creation was perfect in every way. No sickness or death. Therefore there was no such need for chronology, as days months or years. That the beginning had no beginning as it can have no ending. That the first day is the same as the fourth day, untill the fateful moment where God said to Adam: In the day that thou e3atest thereof; Thou shalth surely die. And why must he die? When man and animal become mortals, there comes a need for re- creation.! Hence the term: and REplenish the earth, I assure you that every thing in the book of Genesis is correct as it is stated with the possible need of clarifying the simbol of the forbidden fruit. Keeping in mind that whoever put it in writing had no understanding of eternal existence without chronological order. In the earliest King James version It staes in Chapter five; These are the generations of Adam ,when God created him, male and female created He them and called THEIR name "ADAM" adam is the aramaic equivalent of the species "MAN" in English. But one adam was created after all others, seperated from all others handmade by God and placed in isolation because HE WAS THE Vehicle in wich the creator could rule his own creation. If that ADAM were to multiply, he could physically become the greater power. Excactly What lucifer had in mind, when Eve "TEMPTED" him and the curse of death became the beginning of time. Mortality is the sole reason for chronology. To think there was a beginning other then that is an insult to intelligence! To carbon date anything other than fossils is an effort in futility Mankind as created before Adam in the sixth day are the early man dated about fourteen thousand years old. there can be no connection biologically or even by D.N.A, because they are a seperate species of man, Eve (the mother of all living) was created from Adams Rib.Thus Cain Able and Seth are a seporate species. A species born death under the curse having lost the Spirital life of their Creator, hence in need of spiritual rebirth. For more on this subject, The book REVELATION OF GENESIS is a work in progress. Look for it in near future in most modern languages.

What a shame

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Could you produce a version with some decent arguments in it, please, rather than just a rant like this? You haven't said anything here other than that you believe what it says in the Bible. You haven't said why you believe it.

Since the Bible appears to contradict the evidence of our own senses, why do you think it is the truth? What reason have you to believe that it is the work of a Divine Being? Since the Bible is contradictory, how do you know which bits to believe? Since the Bible has a number of different versions, how do you know which version to accept as the word of God? Do you accept the Book of the Maccabees, for example?

What a shame

Post 9


Hi Dok, and welcome to H2G2. I have to say I found this post difficult to understand, and what I did understand seems wrong. For example:

"To carbon date anything other than fossils is an effort in futility"

Fossils cannot be carbon-dated.

"there can be no connection biologically or even by D.N.A, because they are a seperate species of man, Eve (the mother of all living) was created from Adams Rib.Thus Cain Able and Seth are a seporate species"

smiley - huh

And the central idea - that the Biblical 'days' are all one time-period seems a matter of opinion at best. Plenty of other people have had 'visions' that told them exactly the opposite. Have you considered the possibility that this might not literally be God talking to you?

Gif smiley - geek

What a shame

Post 10


Hi Giford, thanks for the response and a pleasure to discus this topic further. As you can tell English is not my mother tongue and only self thaught. But it served well enough to communicate orally and in writing for the media such as newspapers, magazine, radio, t.v, aswell as teaching courses in outdoor activities. But only three times did my editor ask: "who wrote this for you?" The English needed no correction and it was published as it came from my typewriter. Those three items were a response of my simple prayer: "Lord if you have a message for these people you write it." Two of such articles were read from every pulpit in the city of Victoria B.C. Both on Christmas days. This in response to: "Have you considered...." As For the separate species question, This is "The missing link" between 'us' and early man. Science has discovered that there is no D.N.A. similarity between modern man and neanderthal if thats a correct name. The fact that Cain was born from a woman (Eve) who had to be a clone of Adam (taken from his rib) had to have a totally different D,N.A. then the non-spritual man that God had created in Chapter one, on the "6th" day of creation. Look at Chapter six of Genesis. It is totally bizarre, esspecially the explanation of it that the church teaches. Yet true if you can conceive of the two species of man.`
Chapter six describes both species: "The sons of god" and "The daughters of man" Bible "scholars" claim them to be angels from heaven as if spiritual beings could have a sex appetite. What arrogant ignorance! The sons of God were simply put: descendents of Adams third son Seth. Old King James version: ... and in those days they called themselfs sons of God. New version says: ....they called upon the name of the Lord. (Not angels from heaven) In brief: they took of them wifes as they pleased. And from this cross breed if you will came the giants (neanderthal) And God said:" my Spirit shall not allways strife with man, in that he is continually evil and it regretted Him that he had made man(my para phrase) But Noah found favor in the eyes of God. And so noah became the forefather of Modern man. Observation) the first people were instucted to eat only veggies, After the flood God said: Everything that creepeth upon the earth shall be for food. Hunter-gatheres. Giford if there was only more space and time. I left a huge amount unsaid. God loves you all!

What a shame

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

I'm still mystified as to why you think a series of books written in 1500 BC has any relevance to the truth.

What a shame

Post 12


Dear Gnomon: I allmost finished a reply to your post of : "books written fifteen hundred years ago" when a a microsoft update booted me from the network and lost the content. Coincidence to you, but a common occurance to me whenever the Spirit leads me. I'm not even sure if God wants me to reveal what proof I was writing about. I had avision in 1976. I was praying for the gift of speaking in tongues when my wife entered and kneeled beside me. It was deep in the night and she said: God woke me up and wants me to pray with you. Her arms went involuntary up palms open and I thought she would be about to throw up. Then her head raised up and she started to speak in a very rapid pace stoppng only for a deep breath. The language seemed something loke Chinese. But at that moment I found myself floating above the arctic circle minus my physical body, with only my intelligence and sense of vision. For the rest of my being I was at home in astonishment listening to her speaking in tongues. I witnessed a massive earthquauke in every detail in environment of mountains and nothing but snowand ice. Than in a transfixition I'm in a subtropical region Quatamala, as became evident later. Then Napels, Italy, The earth quakes where so devastating Isaw up close how busses full with people simply slipped halfway into a ravine in the middle of the city.highrise office buildings collapse in a great cloud of dust. after that i found myself in space miles above the earth and it was covered in three dimensional crosses like a pincushion. The scenery changed and a moonscapelike earth was halfway covered with human figures in dress like muslims wear, all woman, heads veiled,on their knees. with heads bowed and arms raised. I interrupted the vision in agonising fear went to bed and left my wife sitting there speaking Chinese. I fell asleep instantly. Within three months those earth quakes became a reality, and the reason that He let me see them in advance is that I will know that the rest will also become reality. This earth will very soon be just a moonscape, void of life and void of oceans. Dear Gnomon, that is why believe After all the miracles of healing in my family, just for the asking. If Jesus had not healed the sick and raised the dead, there would be no Christians today. The crowds would not have followed Him! Just like you, they want evidence! But if you did , what I have done, You would also have your evidence. God sees in your heart and knows that you are not capable of making that choice. Because we were born spiritually dead! Hating God and in constant need to disown Him. Thats why the book of Genesis is a hidden treasure of things as they were then and of how it will begin soon! No death and taxes are not the only certainty, actually its a big fat lie! There is life eternal and a tax free existence coming real soon. Will you share in it, is the important question! There are no laws to keep but one law, read it in the last chapter of the book of St Mark! The only sin is unbelief, all other things were erased 2000 years ago. He(she) that does not belief is allready condemned! Mark 16 verse 15. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to respond. Keep 'm coming!

What a shame

Post 13


Hi Dok,

You might want to read up a little on DNA and neanderthals if they are part of your book.

It's good that God told you there would be an earthquake in Italy in 1976. It's a shame He thought it was at the other end of the country and felt the need to mix it in with all those other false visions, but I guess that no-one's perfect.

Gif smiley - geek

What a shame

Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

Well, it looks like I'm damned, so, because I don't believe.

Giford is right. If you want to persuade skeptics, that is people who rely on facts rather than mystical experiences, you'll have to read up on the way the world actually works.

For a start, every person has different DNA from every other person, except for identical twins, who are clones of each other. Having different DNA does not make you a different species. Adam, whoever he was, did not have hugely different DNA from other animals in the world, because our DNA is still almost exactly the same as other similar species such as bonobos and chimps.

What a shame

Post 15


Hi Gif; Thanks for the speedy response' Oops Did I say Napels? Would it have been easier if I had said Italy, Rather then napels in view of the fact that you did not mention Quatamala. In the vision ther are no maps indicating the name of the city. I drew this conclusion of Napels from something I read years later. But let me tell you that the place I saw was at the foreground of snow peaked mountains. (where ever in Italy) I completed 6 years of schooling, plus two years of trade school, Hardly enough to compete with scholars on technicalities. I'm sure it is a higher form of education then Moses had. I do not believe That you would have accepted a vision of someone you could not contradict. Anymore then that you would believe Jonah to have been three days in the belly of a whale! Whereas Jonah spend three days, I spend thirthy years in the belly of the same whale. Hiding from the the truth in fear of my life. Thirty years of booze and bars, Casinoes and and other forms of"Entertainment" Never setting foot in a church again. As for D.N.A. or Neanderthal I do not believe that it would have a purpose in the "book" It has much more purpose in the contradiction of the existence of God. Just as there is no purpose in trying to intellectually pursuade you. Did you know that there are 165 satelites spreading The Gospel around the globe? 24/7 free of charge. The "BOOK" said in the last days I shall pour forth of my Spirit upon on all nations and all people. Not all scholars and intellectuals. I only had a little sleep as you are 8 or 9 hours ahead of me. I promise to address further responses asp. Thank you!

What a shame

Post 16

Gnomon - time to move on

165 satellites spreading the word of God? What a waste. How many millions of people have spent their lives on this delusion? How sad.smiley - sadface

What a shame

Post 17


Dear Gnomon: I'm honestly not in the business of covincing skeptics. There is no purpose in prescribing medication to an "healthy patient". If you preferr to set store in a system of scientific development, i.e nuclear, chemical, biological or any other field of human endeavor, its your free choice. It is also placing the horse behind the buggy in a ratrace of destruction. Rapid depletion of the worlds resources to feed a population of proffesional students. A population allmost annihilated in a mutual standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union In 1983(4), You were but seconds away from from the greatest scientific achievement. I'm truly impressed with your values! The world health organisation has seen to it to wipe out the worlds natural population controle factors, such as survival of the fittest. And replace it with mass-murder such as abortion, legalized suicide for the elderly, and other such solutions. It claims to be concerned about our next generation living in an a warmer climate? would you preferr living in an igloo?? It is very antagonistic to ridicule what you cannot understand or refuse to even explore. thats a mind shut closed, and your free will. Remember aswell that it is much easier to examine and ridicule the factual proven trackrecord of people like yourself. I.m stating this not to antagonise or score points, only to underscore that a closed mind is a wasted mind. And that the most powerfull weapon on earth was, is,and allways will be "LOVE" That pride and ego are the most self destructive Characteristics of man, not to mention guilt or blame or hate and revenge. You made your choice, I preferr mine! Oh one more thing Mr. or Miss Gnomon: Please continue this conversation, Your two minute effort gives me access to a world of people starving for a little wisdom and insight. (somehow I don't believe you will!)

What a shame

Post 18

Gnomon - time to move on

You seem to be confusing the search for truth with what people have done with that knowledge. I personally have never murdered anyone. People claiming to be Christians, Muslims and Hebrews have done so.

Humans have been destroying the planet and their fellow man for millennia, whether they were theists or atheists.

None of this seems to me a reason why I should not seek the truth.

What a shame

Post 19


"It is very antagonistic to ridicule what you cannot understand or refuse to even explore."

Well said.

Sadly, your own attitude to science and philosophy would seem to fall into this category.

Gif smiley - geek

What a shame

Post 20

Gnomon - time to move on

>>the factual proven trackrecord of people like yourself

I wonder do you know what type of a person I am?

One dedicated to helping others, spreading the good news of how the world works, trying to reduce the devastation that industry and war have caused, bringing up a family to recognise truth from fiction, good from evil. I'm a person not tied to possessions, who enjoys music. My other main interest is studying the world and everything in it: history, geography, science, mathematics. And anything I find I tell everyone else about, if they are willing to listen.

So I don't take kindly to you lumping me in with mass murderers, abortionists and planet-wreckers, based purely on the fact that I don't believe your god exists. Since most of the mass murders, abortions and planet destroying have been done by people claiming to be Christian, I could just as easily call them "people like yourself". But I'm not going to, because I judge you on what you say, not on what other people do.

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