A Conversation for The Football Conference
I am amazed this entry hasn't sparked a single conversation.
Gavin Started conversation Jan 6, 2007
Although I have no interest in football, I am astounded that this entry (which I found thanks to the infinite improbability drive) has not spawned a single conversation.
To my mind, it is a well writeen and (I would guess) well researched entry. Well Done!
I am amazed this entry hasn't sparked a single conversation.
Ormondroyd Posted Jan 6, 2007
Thank you, gavinorr. It is a bit discouraging when you put a lot of work into an entry and it seems to be ignored, so your posting is appreciated. I did research the entry carefully, so maybe people just couldn't find anything to argue with!
I am amazed this entry hasn't sparked a single conversation.
Gavin Posted Jan 6, 2007
That must be it - plus the fact that football fans are renowned for not being argumentative!
Perhaps that explains the lack of conversation on my piece on Harry Chapin, as well (plug plug --> http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/A16646583 )
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I am amazed this entry hasn't sparked a single conversation.
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