A Conversation for Mother's Day Presents

Mothers Day Reasearch

Post 1


Hi All,
I am a student who is doing research into Mothers Day and it's traditions.

To assist with this research I would love to hear from people on the following subjects.

1) Do you celebrate Mothers Day, if so how?
2) What do you gifts do you buy on Mothers Day?
3) As a Mum, what would you like to recieve for Mothers Day?
4) Is Mothers Day important?

I would very much appreciate your help on this topic.

Please either email me at the address below (No Spammers Please!!) or post your comments below.

Kind regards

GirlieShopper34 smiley - bubbly
[email protected]

Mothers Day Research

Post 2


Please accept the apologies from a Newby for the typo in the subject heading!!! smiley - blush

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