
1 Conversation

THE H2G2 POST introduces


  1. Whats is the nationality of former World Darts champion Raymond van Barneveld?

  2. Is the 'wormwood' a type of plant or a type of insect?

  3. How many atoms of oxygen are there in one molecule of water?

  4. Which state in US is nicknamed Badger State?

  5. In Celtic folklore, which B is a spirit whose screaming is feared as an omen of impending death?



Phew.. the replies came in thick and fast this week... aliashall rushed his answers to me in six minutes, and Jeny was not far behind with thirty minutes.

The others all answered in just over an hour, the order is as follows. aliashell, Jeny, munchkin, Croz and Kandyman.

Each of you got a point for each correct answer, and the total points are:

Jeny 09 points, munchkin 08 points, aliashell 07 points, Croz 07 points and Kandyman 06 points.



Jeny..... 19 points
Kandyman..... 15 points
Munchkin..... 15 points
aliashell..... 14 points
Croz..... 13 points


Five contestants are needed each month to challenge each other to try and become the monthly 'Post Masterbrain' winner.

Each contestant will be e-mailed five questions, once a week for four weeks. The questions will also be printed weekly in The Post the answers will be published in the conversation section below this page.

Each contestant will get a point for every correct question they answer, plus point(s) for how quickly they reply to the e-mailed questions.

That means that a contestant with five correct answers, and the quickest e-mail reply will get ten points. One for each correct question and five for the fastest reply. The second fastest will get four points, the third fastest will get three points and so on, down to one point for the last to reply.

A results board will be shown every week here, so you can keep up to date with the latest winners, and try to guess who will become the ultimate Masterbrain.

The questions will all be general knowledge, so some intelligence as well as quickness and luck will be needed. They are not guaranteed to go out every week at the exact same time, but will be sent out sometime on the WEDNESDAY before 'The Post' is published. The answers will not be printed on this page until ALL replies from contestants are received.

To enter all you have to do is E-MAIL ME and tell me your H2G2 name and your H2G2 researcher number. If you are lucky enough to be chosen to play then you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Only five contestant's will be chosen each month for the following months competition, your application will be stored and you will be asked to take part in proceeding months Masterbrain.

December MASTERBRAIN applications are being taken now.

This is a brand new venture for The Post, and relies on reader support, and so only time will tell if this project takes off, and becomes a regular thing.


Send your Masterbrain applications to me here:-

Greebo T. Cat's E-Mail Address

Thanks again everyone...


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