WD's Tennis Entries

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I have a wonderful love of the All England Club's tennis Championships, as they always produce some of the most memorable matches in sporting history. Also tennis has never shied away from the limelight, especially with royalty...

  • King Henry VIII played tennis whilst his second wife, Anne Boleyn was being beheaded

  • King George VI played tennis at Wimbledon and won a trophy

  • King Henry V was famous for his love of tennis; so much so that the King of France sent him some tennis balls with a note to the effect of; 'I think you'd be better off playing tennis than bothering to invade France'. At which point he invaded France with a relatively small army...and won

  • The current Earl of Wessex; Prince Edward, met his spouse, Sophie Rhys-Jones whilst playing a game of tennis

So why grass instead of clay? Well, I'm not really one to argue on the subject, as the slower clay matches are undoubtably more exciting, but I love the speed, power and unpredictablity of the grass courts (rain breaks etc...), so the jury, for me is still out on that one.

And why tennis? Well, it is the purest of non-contact sports, and definitely, the most exciting - How can anyone forget McEnroe's outbursts, but with no punches thrown? Or for that matter, the humour and brilliance of Leconte and Bahrami? Or for that matter, Goran Ivanisevic (don't think I have to say any more there...). Well anyway, if you are interested, here are a few of my entries on that most marvellous of sports, tennis.

If you get bored reading these entries, why not go and visit Caper Plip, who is the Keeper of Good-Looking Tennis Players, and see who she is presently keeping smiley -

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