A Conversation for In comes I! Mumming, Pace-egging and Souling Folk Plays
Mummers Play
Cardi Started conversation Apr 19, 2006
I often play the part of Mother Christmas (in drag of course) at the Mummers play in South Warwickshire. Its a big christmas tradition here and good fun. You don't mention one tradition of mummers, that we still use, but has of fallen on the wayside a due to modern politically correct cobblers.
Many mummers used to black their faces with ash so they would not be recognised a mummers often had a bad reputation with the local authorities for drunkeness (that hasn't changed!) and also threathenin behaviour (they'd often intimidate the crowds into paying for the performance which were ususually free).
The group I work with still black our faces and it's often been accused of being un-PC with lots of black & white minstrels type connotations until we explain the history of it.
In comes I Old Mother Christmas a welcome or a welcome,
not I hope old mother christmas is ne'er forgot!
A room a room, a rouse, a rouse
I've brought my broom to sweep this house,
So dear folk listen to what I say,
Step in King George and clear the way...
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Mummers Play
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