A Conversation for In comes I! Mumming, Pace-egging and Souling Folk Plays
Old Money
John Luke Started conversation Dec 7, 2001
A small point...
1/6d, "One-and-six" would be 7.5 pence in new money or £0.075.
Good article.
John Luke
Old Money
The Apprentice Posted Nov 22, 2002
Just to put 1 shilling and 6 pence (1s 6d) into perspective - as saying it is equal to 7 1/2 pence in new money does say much:
- a 13th century male labourers wage was on average 2d (2 pence) a day
- a loaf of bread cost a farthing (that's a quarter of 1d)
- One dozen eggs cost a halfpenny and 4d per hundred
- Ale and cider could be bought at a halfpenny per gallon
- A whole sheep would cost you around 12d or 1 shilling
So, spending 1s 6d on eggs was quite an expenditure to most people.
The Apprentice
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Old Money
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