A Conversation for How to Survive a Skilift Ride on a Snowboard

Great Advice/Buttock/Travelator

Post 1


Excellent article. Well written and very informative. Interesting concept of "back buttock" in chair dismount section - seems to imply possible existence of "front" version... smiley - winkeye

Haven't met travelator on slopes (can't imagine one going more than a few 10's of metres) - however the pair that get you to the top at Tamworth are, in my recent experience, exclusively ridden "unbound" by boarders - strapped and, erm, step-inned alike. Also boarders tend to mix the slow travelator climbs with frequent, shorter runs from the rope-tow - possibly the easiest tow to master on a board, alowing the rider to choose whether to ride fakie or regular, or indeed switch at any time. Sadly only ever seen on nursery slopes in the real world though.

Great Advice/Buttock/Travelator

Post 2



Ah yes, Tamworth, I know it well. I met my fiancee on that travelator! The main reason that people ride it unstrapped, I think, is that you suss quite quickly, if it's your own board, that standing on your board on that travelator is a short route to coating your deck with a film of sticky rubber which slows you down terribly. This was made even easier to notice on my first board, a Simple 155, which had a *white* base. Once you clock the damage the lift is doing to your base, and also the way the rollers knock down your edges, it soon becomes obvious that you're better off out of the bindings. And of course if the travelator stops (which it used to do a LOT, although it seems to have improved lately) it's a lot easier to just walk up...

Are you a regular at Tamworth? (or a goofy...? smiley - winkeye)


Great Advice/Buttock/Travelator

Post 3


Oh yeah, and two more things:

1: GREAT subject line!

2: Go write something in your personal space! Doesn't need to be much, a single line of text saying "Hi, I'm sicross" will do, then some geezer called an ACE will come along and tell you loads of useful stuff about how to use this site. They can't do that until you write an introduction, though, so just bung some text in quick!

Oh, and click on my name, read my space, and follow the links. I guarantee there's something there will make you laugh.


Great Advice/Buttock/Travelator

Post 4


hi H - thanks for the response.
Great story about meeting your intended on the wobbly rubber conveyor belt of destiny - each rickety ascent will be that little bit more tolerable now. smiley - biggrin
I'm likely to become a Tamworth regular (albeit a goofy one) over the next few weeks as I pine for the white stuff. I did a couple of hours last week and the week before, but have had a pretty big break since learning there back in '99.
Back then I did a week in Chamonix before my wife rather selfishly produced the first of our two children and forced an extended hiatus in my obviously pro-model-bound career.smiley - winkeye
Impressed with the overhaul - everything seems to run ok - although 20p everytime you open your locker is pretty darn annoying...
You guys getting onto the real (outdoor) stuff this season ?

Great Advice/Buttock/Travelator

Post 5


Yeah, Tignes. Hope there's snow - last time we went I did my back a nasty injury landing from rather too high off a ramp on what looked and felt like white concrete .

You? If you're looking for a family friendly destination that won't break the bank I can thoroughly recommend Flaine.


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