A Conversation for Didgeridoos
GreyBeard Started conversation Dec 10, 2001
Nitpick time!
"waiting for the buffalo to come" ???
The feeling might be more primal if you were "waiting for the Kangaroos or Emus or even the Kookaburras", but perhaps not the wombats or imported buffalo. Whilst there are many buffalo in parts of Oz, they are not native.
Hoovooloo Posted Dec 10, 2001
Yeah, I did think about that after I wrote it. I thought about changing it to "Waiting for the kangaroos to come" but it somehow didn't conjour up the necessary "noble savage" gravitas I was looking for, kangaroos being, like penguins, one of nature's inherently comedic creatures.
On the other hand, if you want to get *seriously* nitpicky...
The racial memories I was alluding to were of the African plains, rather than Australia. As far as I'm aware (correct me somebody?) the Aborigines have been in Oz for "only" about 60,000 years. I was thinking back much, much further than that - although the spear probably becomes an anachronism at that point...
Any paleoanthropologists care to weigh in?
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