Nerve Agents

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ClassSymbolCommon NamePersistantRate of ActionSymptoms
NerveGATabunNormally NoVery RapidRunny nose; red, tearing eyes; sudden headache; drooling; tighness in chest; diffculty breathing; dim vision; muscular twitching; stomach cramps; nausea; confusion*; pin pointed pupils*; no bladder and/or bowel control*; abscence of breathing*; gurgling sounds*; vomiting*; and convulsions*.
NerveGBSarin*Normally NoVery Rapid
NerveGDSomanNormally NoVery Rapid
NerveVX  Normally YesModeratley Rapid

Nerve agents are chemical warfare agents that, as the name implies, affect the nervous system. They were developed in Germany in the 1930s. Chemists at IG Farben were trying to develop pesticides, and they came up with Tabun. It's similiar to currently availble pesticides such as Raid.

Nerve agents cause a short circuit in the nerve system. Instead of nerve impulses, they give a constant signal. This causes all of the muscles in the body to contract. The symptons are the affect of muscle contractions. Affected victims may have:

Runny nose, red, tearing eyes, sudden headache, drooling, tighness in chest, diffculty breathing, dim vision, muscular twitching, stomach cramps, and nausea.

If it's a high dose, then the following symptoms may be apparant:

Confusion, pin pointed pupils, no bladder and/or bowel control, abscence of breathing, gurgling sounds, vomiting, and convulsions, and eventually death.

Project: NBC WarfareChemical Warfare AgentsNerve AgentsBlood AgentsChoking AgentsBlister AgentsNon-Lethal AgentsProtective Measures for Chemical AgentsTypes of RadiationProtective Measures for RadiationProtective Measures for Biological AgentsFirst Aide for NBC CasualtiesDecontamination of Chemical Agents

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