A Conversation for Finals Week
Finals? Bah!!
Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water Started conversation Nov 27, 2001
In my University, we engineering students have a semester pattern where we end up slogging our asses off every six months.
The exams consist of 5 theory papers spread over 12-14 days, and vivas and practs spread over a week.
The Univ is about 150 years old, so I wonder why nobody bothered to change this yet. Unless, Darwin was wrong.
Finals? Bah!!
MrsCloud Posted Nov 27, 2001
I our uni us engineering students have to do four year of study compared to my dossy arts students friends who all graduated last year ergo non of my friends are around to go drinking with.
all though we don't have semesters we do have this *uck off huge project to do and one of our modules is coninutally assesed ie we get given all the work to do over christmas.
Finals? Bah!!
Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water Posted Nov 27, 2001
It's the same story with all engineering students everywhere.
We have those ing projects too, and assessment too
Which is probably why you have engg. drinking verses ... like ..
"The Engineers had come,
The Engineers had come,
And traded all their instruments
For kegs and kegs of Rum,
The Engineers had come."
Finals? Bah!!
Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water Posted Nov 28, 2001
Pune University, India.
[URL removed by moderator]
150+ odd years old in it's present form, it's been around a lot longer as a centre for learning (from the 1600s).
Finals? Bah!!
Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water Posted Nov 28, 2001
Which branch of Engineering are you in?
Finals? Bah!!
MrsCloud Posted Nov 28, 2001
my degree was general for the first two years and then i specialised in mechancial and now this year i'm doing aeronautical, my final year project is automotive based and that where i'd like to head.
Finals? Bah!!
Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water Posted Nov 28, 2001
I'm doing mech too.
Although I don't see myself working as a mech engg...
Plan to shift to Theoretical Physics after grad.
(Quantum mechanics, probably).
Finals? Bah!!
MrsCloud Posted Feb 8, 2002
hows' it going?
rapidly heading towards end of my project and soon to write up deadline not fun.
Key: Complain about this post
Finals? Bah!!
- 1: Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water (Nov 27, 2001)
- 2: MrsCloud (Nov 27, 2001)
- 3: Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water (Nov 27, 2001)
- 4: MrsCloud (Nov 27, 2001)
- 5: Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water (Nov 28, 2001)
- 6: MrsCloud (Nov 28, 2001)
- 7: Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water (Nov 28, 2001)
- 8: MrsCloud (Nov 28, 2001)
- 9: Shaunak - who loves to swim in chilly water (Nov 28, 2001)
- 10: MrsCloud (Feb 8, 2002)
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