A Conversation for 'It's a Knockout' - TV Programme
FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page Started conversation Jan 14, 2002
is this so neglected. it's quite a nice entry.
in our village they sometimes do it's a knockout at the village green where they make people walk across a greasy pole suspended over the brook. and throw things at them.
but that might be because we have about 8 pubs in the village
and 4 churches.
do you think there is a correlation?
Orcus Posted Jan 14, 2002
Why thankyou FABT
Correlation? I would have definitely thought so.
All my entries end up on the most neglected list (
Demon Drawer Posted Jan 19, 2002
So do most of mine. aalthough I do at times set up a couple of really hot debates on them and hope they stay off the list.
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