A Conversation for Aconite

Poison and Medicine

Post 1


smiley - hangover
Aconitum is said to be strongly poisonous! When those root parts are eaten it may reduce your pulse and cause a heart malfunction!

smiley - nurse
On the other hand aconitum is a homeopathic agent that may be prescribed if a sickness has a very strong initial phase with extremely high temperature for example.


BTW: Is there really a difference between the anglicum and the napellus species? smiley - erm

Poison and Medicine

Post 2


I believe that there is a difference, as most of my literature says that there is. However, I understand that species can vary in name a lot from country to country. I often find that species names are not at all consistent, even in the same country. I'm not entirely sure, how to get a definative answer, do you know?!

Poison and Medicine

Post 3

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I never knew any of thissmiley - smiley

I believe it grows in the higher mountains here.
There is one by the same name,
I will see if there is a link to a picture.
Interesting entry.

Poison and Medicine

Post 4

Researcher U1025853

Hi Abbi

long time since I looked at these!

Poison and Medicine

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I am on an entry appreciation campaignsmiley - ok
When I first came and read I did not think people where commenting on them or they were too old to comment on so I was just irritating folks. smiley - blush

I thought I would leave comments this time around. Might add some interest in entries with all the new folks comingsmiley - smiley

I see the aces are over worked right now with all the new comers.
I will try to help out ( unofficially) if I have a bit more time and energy some days.

Poison and Medicine

Post 6

Researcher U1025853

Well thanks for appreciating my entry, by my first incarnation! How could appreciation ever irritate?!smiley - biggrin

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