A Conversation for How to Make a Pagan Ritual Altar

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 1

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

Another way in which the Elements are often aligned is:
North: Air
Easth: Earth
South: Fire
West: Water

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 2


I quite agree! I guess in the end you do it the way that feels right for you. I also reackon that maybe where you live in the world can make a difference. ie you may choose to have water in the direction that it is on the physical plane.

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 3

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

Very true. It's important to think things through, rather than just accepting them because "That's the way it's always been done." Or because some authority says so.
The only public ritual I've been to had water in the south because Toronto is on the North shore of lake Ontario.
The trick with magick is to figure out what works for you.

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 4


I would like to start putting some links to groovy pagans on the pagan page, can I mention you?

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 5

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

Go ahead and mention me. I think it would be kewl.

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 6


One reference is the Egyptian Sons of Horus...though not actually called elements may be the origin or related.

Hapi - North - water? (may be air)
Imsety - South - earth
Duamutef - East - fire
Quebefenuef - West - air? (may be water)

Alternate Element correspondences.

Post 7

Siletta Weaver, Keeper of exsessively long titles, Eclectic Mystic, Cynic, etc..

humm, it's interesting that you are uncertain which is water and which air. Reminds my of a thought I had about a flying creature using the same word for swimming and flying.

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