FrontPage Archive - March 2010

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1 March 2010

The Beatles pictured in 1965.The American Beatles Albums - A comprehensive project chronicling the LPs the Fab Four released Stateside, and their subtle differences.

The Gömböc - Hungarian for dumpling, this baffling engineering marvel rights itself no matter what side you put in on.

UK Roundabouts: A Cyclist's Guide - Advice for bike-riders on navigating around the trickiest of highway obstacles.

QOTW: Is T the only letter of the alphabet that is also a beverage?

2 March 2010


8 March 2010

The Roman Aqueduct, the Pont-du-Gard, in the South of France.Roman Building Methods: The Arch - The origins and evolution of the technique that made the construction of large bridges possible.

The Difference Between a Direct Debit and a Standing Order - The ins and outs of making regular payments into someone else's account.

Baileys - Dreamt up in Dublin, the Irish cream and whiskey liqueur with a recipe that is a closely guarded family secret.

QOTW: Like a lot of folks I believed the Canary Islands actually had something to do
with canaries.

9 March 2010


15 March 2010

The 'Blue Peter' steam train.The Joy of Steam Engine Wheel Arrangements - All aboard for this comprehensive guide to the things that get stream trains from A to B.

Henry Wirz and the Andersonville Trial - The controversial story of the Confederate prison guard hanged for war crimes in 1865.

Goethe's 'Faust: Part Two' - Continuing the exploration of the German literary giant's epic poetic verse play.

QOTW: Out of interest - does hyssop cleanse on a cool wash?

16 March 2010


17 March 2010


22 March 2010

An Earth-like planet with two moons.The Diversity of Moons - Did you know that our own Moon stabilises the Earth, keeping the axis tilted at 23°? Wonderful Entry.

The Shroud of Turin - The fêted shroud is a compelling relic, held in awe by believers and forensically examined by science.

A Visit to Skomer, Pembrokeshire, Wales - Evocative, well-written Entry on an unpopulated but fascinating island off the coast of Wales.

QOTW: Surely pi is more greeky than geeky?

29 March 2010

The Liverpool skyline along the River Mersey.The River Mersey, UK - Take a trip on the waterway immortalised in song on its 70-mile journey from Stockport to Liverpool Bay.

Tipu Sultan: The Tiger of Mysore - The fearless 18th Century ruler who stood up to the might of British rule in Southern India.

The Other Side of Roald Dahl: Part One - An affectionate exploration of the formative years of one of our greatest children's authors.

QOTW: I'm 'an acquired taste.'


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