A Conversation for Private Goodwin's War - A Personal Account of World War Two
Thank you Pte Goodwin
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Dec 10, 2005
My Dad is a Normandy Veteran, he wrote: A3372888 he was wounded - shot - a bullet entered his leg and travelled up his body and came to rest in his lung where it has remained for 60 years, inoperable. He was given 3 weeks to live, then. Luckily he lived to father me & my siblings
Now, surrounded by his loving family, he's reaching the end of his life, he has stomach cancer but still determined to fight.
God Bless you and thank you for all you did.
Kind regards,
Annie daughter of Frank Wolstencroft, ex-Lancashire fusilliers.
Thank you Pte Goodwin
M. Goodwin Posted Dec 28, 2005
Some of us will never forget
Respect is something you don't earn lightly in my view.
My best wishes to your father Frank
M. Goodwin (Reg Goodwin's grandson)
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Thank you Pte Goodwin
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