h2g2 Football league

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I am looking to set up a fantasy football league on the basis of results. Now, for most of the games around, you get to pick a team from a set amount of money and pick up points on how well the player does each week, which is fine but also an administrative nightmare for the person running the game, ie me smiley - winkeye. If you wish to play such a game may I recommend the BBC's own site.

What I propose is a lot simpler. I will select five football fixtures to be played over the week and will ask for predictions on the final score and first goal scorer. Points will then be allocated on the outcome: 3 points for the correct score line, 1 point for the correct scorer and 1 point for predicting the correct team to win, or a draw.

For example if I had selected the England Vs Albania game, and a player had predicted a 5-0 win to England with Michael Owen scoring first, that person would get 2 points, one for the correct first scorer and another for predicting an England win. If, on the other hand, another player suggested a 2-0 win with Robbie Fowler scoring first they would get 3 points for the correct score line.

The games will run for 10 weeks and with enough people involved we could introduce a promotion and relegation system.

So what do you think? Are you up to being crowned h2g2 footy champion? If so sign up Here.


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