Greebo's Big One
Created | Updated Jul 11, 2003

Welcome to the second... all singing... all dancing edition of, Greebo's Big One.
I hope that you are all ready to put your best finger foward and vote on the important issue of the day, which you will find if you press the cunningly entitled, 'VOTE HERE', button below.

Would you like your say on the big issues of the day? Well here's your chance, click below to get transported to Greebo's voting booth, where you can answer the question of the week.
Results will be printed in two weeks time.

WHAT WOULD BE YOUR IDEAL PET? This was the question asked a few weeks ago, and below is the results of the voting...
- 53%, that's over half of researchers who voted, think that a pussy cat would make the most perfect pet, and who am I to argue with that!!!
- 27% would prefer a Large Stone with a Hole in it, to keep them company through life.
- A lowly 7% would rather have a cute doggie for a pet.
- Another 7% of researchers were quite taken with the idea of having an Exotic Bird called Cyril
- A further 7% of h2g2 researchers have been conned into thinking that a Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Trall would make a fine addition to the home... I think not!!
- No researchers voted for a Wolverine... but thats ok as I think he was a jolly handsome man in X-Men... and now I have no need to share!!!
Well there you have it, of course there was really no other conclusion for this vote. The Pussy Cat won the day, and why wouldn't the average h2g2 researcher not want to enjoy the companionship of one of God's greatest gifts.
By the way, adding up all those percentages I realised that the voting had reached a massive 101% of researchers, not too bad...
Oh... and before I forget, I am sorry to the person that voted for Cyril, thinking that I meant an Exotic Dancer... I shall really have to be more careful in what I write in future.
And on that note I must leave you, take care and be happy. See you all next week, in Greebo's Big One!!
1. Hampster's are the number one selling pet animal.
2. About 75% of all cats respond to catnip.
3. There are over 40 different muscles in a birds wing and 32 in a cats ear.
4. The bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissable in court.
5. The Dachshund breed is one of the oldest breeds of dog.

Send your letters and anything else to me here:- Greebo T. Cat
Thanks again everyone...