A Conversation for Albinism

contact lenses, lasik

Post 1

Sea Change

I've seen some outrageously colored (handmade, usually by someone in the entertainment industry who does vampire and werewolf eyes as a regular job) contact lenses. Is it possible to get lenses that will block out the stray light from the iris?

Do RK or Lasik help nystagmus or any of the near- or far-sightedness, or is the raw material the surgeon would work with not there, or strong enough to bear the procedure?

contact lenses, lasik

Post 2

Berek - A619049 William Wallace - Braveheart and Scottish Patriot :o)

My resident expert on albinism (my wife!) smiley - smiley says there is no surgery or use of lenses possible to correct nystagmus. Lenses, magnifiers and visual aids can help the near-and-far-sightedness. I can't really answer the second half of your question. If you require further information I would refer you to the websites listed here (there is also a website on nystagmus) - they may be able to help. Thanks for your interest.

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