A Conversation for A Postman's Guide to Letterboxes
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cally Started conversation Sep 16, 2001
i deliver a lot of papers on all the routes around my neighbourhood, and i've noticed that no matter where you go, there's ALWAYS a few people that seem to be embarrassed about having a letterbox, and hide it on the bottom of the back fence, or in the middle of a hedge or prickle bush of some description. and then there's the boxes that are in little splinters all over the grass because of the imaginative young pyromaniacs......
there's a few you missed...
Cathy the Swinepiper Posted Sep 17, 2001
That last type is the sort of letterbox that we have, although I believe that the culprits are over 18 revellers. Once every few months they come past and use the sledge hammer, which they must have carried around the pubs, to demolish most of the letterboxes in my street. Nice sweet people that they are!!
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