A Conversation for A Postman's Guide to Letterboxes
just like our library book return slot
scaryfish Started conversation Sep 15, 2001
Ha! That reminds me of our library book return slot - it has a flap on the inside with a spring, and there is a little bit of a flat bit before the usual ramp for the book to go down. The end result is this - you push in the book, it doesn't go down. You push it in further and further until it finally does slide down the ramp, then you try to pull your fingers out.
They managed to design it so that you need to put your fingers in EXACTLY far enough that when you try to pull them out, the flap wedges your knuckles, giving you quite sore fingers if you tried to pull them out quickly.
The only solution I've found is to use the OTHER hand to push up the flap while you remove your fingers... I have no idea how someone with only one hand would manage...
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just like our library book return slot
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